Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday Weather Improving

It is still quite grey and cloudy but promises to improve. Just to make a liar out of me, I have made a pot of soup to fill the empty places tonight. Yum!

So, worked on during vacation,

English Paper Piecing. I keep trying different techniques to sewing my pieces together - so that I get a decent look (I'm so fussy). Not sure what happens next to this. I guess some edge pieces so it can be finished as a table runner. It was difficult as a traveling project - too bumpy to work on while driving (not me driving but you get my point) and lighting wasn't too good in the evening. So another time, a different project.

Got these books on the road, and am enjoying giving them a try.

And I bought some printed muslin,

And just making some practice squares,

I really enjoy learning and trying out all sorts of various techniques. Am I ADHD? Perhaps.

And lastly, as promised to my dear GD, I helped finish her slippers. With the rubberized backing material for the bottoms they were extremely difficult to turn and if you recall, we ran out of time with sewing camp and me leaving on our road trip. So Nana did turn them and sew up a small opening on the side. Matching GD's pajama pants. Cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice stars, that remembers me, we got a swap-star project to go ;).
bye bye Caro