This Thursday morning is my usual 3rd Thursday quilting group. Friday and Saturday, Quilter's Anonymous is sponsoring a 2-day Day Camp with various classes. It should be a very fun time. And so it seems to go. Thank goodness I have the ability to do all this running around - no more small children - any longer. Then next week will be time to work on/finish up some of the projects I will have gotten started. Life is good.
Friends are leaving today for 3 weeks in the Netherlands. I'm so jealous. We traveled there last summer, so can't really afford to do it again, this year. Hopefully next. Instead I will continue with my Dutch studies and perhaps learn a few more words - will I ever get proficient? Learning a foreign language as an adult is sure challenging, but some of the research says it staves off altzheimer's - so I will put this in the prevention category. :-)
At least for today, the sun is shining. Happy spring to all!
Hi, Thanks for the comment on my page...my email address is tterzaghi@ironbay...Where are you from? You sure have some cute grandchildren...Talk to you soon..Toni
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