Friday, June 3, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday

We are continuing to have very pleasant and sunny days.  Wonderful.  Wednesday was a day to explore on our own.  We took a different tram than we have taken before and (intentially) ended up in a new part of town.  We wandered through an XL Albert Hein - a national grocery chain, to see what we could see.  And to try to discover how it is different from our local neighborhood AH.  Among other things you can buy 10 or 12 different sorts of eggs
None of them are stored cold.

We headed out the door and wandered down an itneresting looking street.  We came upon a store which specializes in British goods,

And eventually needed a bit of lunch on a typically lovely street corner

Among my favorite "useless" objects was this children's (or small dog's) summer pool. (check its size compared to the chair behind it.)

Thursday was Ascension Day, Hemelvaart, a national holiday.  We did what all self-respecting Dutch do on Hemelvaart and went on a bicycle ride.  Great, great fun.  And I got to ride the electric bicycle.  We headed through Haagse Bos, to Clingendaal for a coffee stop, past a national monument in the Dunes.  It is to commemorate the site where many resistance fighters were taken into the dunes and shot during the Second World War.  It is very moving how lovingly the Dutch continue to honor the allied soldiers and their graves.   The Bell is rung each May 4th, starting at 8pm.

We continued on to Meijendel for pannenkoken (pancakes) for lunch

We cycled home by way of the beach (on the North Sea) and home to den Haag.  A most pleasant adventure of approximately 18km [10.8 miles] - easy peasy!  And all made fabulous with the electric bike - the best for the hills!

Friday is Castle Cannonburgh for the Quilt Exhibition.  Need to upload my photos.  And Saturday we move to our first house exchange locale.  Oh - the adventures abound!

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